
Customised Noise Solutions for Every Space
Acoustic Treatment for Various Spaces

When creating a comfortable and functional space, acoustics play a crucial role. Whether it’s a bustling open-plan office, a busy classroom, or a conference room, the quality of sound can significantly impact the experience of the people using the space. That’s why Avenue Interior Systems specialises in acoustically treating a wide range of spaces to ensure optimal sound quality and comfort.

Public Spaces

Public spaces are designed to promote human contact and social activities. They should be safe, welcoming, and accommodating for all users, with design and architectural features that are visually interesting. Examples of public spaces include libraries, cultural centres, churches, and community centres.

In a public space it’s normal to be surrounded by people laughing and talking, children shouting, music blaring, vehicle and machinery noise, and phones ringing. But while it may be 'normal', it’s not necessarily enjoyable.

Most of us don't expect silence, but we do expect to be able to converse easily and enjoy ourselves when in a public space.

We don't like having to shout to our companions over the noise from other people. We don't like not hearing a phone call or an announcement because there's too much music. And we don't want to leave a venue with our ears pounding and heads aching, desperate for quiet.

Excess noise levels cause stress and increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. To prevent these non-auditory health impacts, a person’s daily average noise exposure should be less than 55 decibels.

Avenue Interior Systems' acoustic solutions are ideal for excessively noisy public places. With their absorptive qualities they help to reduce reverberated noise and echo, and quieten an area to ensure user satisfaction.

Acoustic treatment installed in the communal area of a church, featuring sound-absorbing panels and diffusers to enhance sound quality and reduce echoes and reverberations.


An image of a Calando panel installed on the beautiful architectural ceiling of a community centre. The Calando panel provides acoustic treatment to absorb sound and reduce noise levels in the space, creating a more comfortable and functional environment for various community events, meetings, and social gatherings held in the centre.

Community centres

Brightly coloured acoustic fabric on a library wall.


Acoustic panels in a community centre

Recreation centres


Delivering Custom Office Soundproofing Solutions

It’s no surprise that noise can reduce cognitive performance and contribute to work errors. Studies also show that excessive workplace noise can lead to decreased productivity, illness, stress, fatigue, lower job satisfaction and declining morale.

According to one study, workers lose as much as 86 minutes per day due to noise distractions. These distractions may come from machine noise, such as a fan whirring or printer humming. Yet the most distracting noise to the human ear is conversation.

Anything from colleagues on the phone or a meeting taking place nearby, to laughter or even someone exclaiming in annoyance can be distracting to workers.

Avenue Interior Systems delivers office soundproofing solutions for quiet, productive and safe workplaces.

A quiet workplace is a productive workplace. And the right acoustic office walls are an essential health and safety requirement.

The Avenue team understand the importance of acoustics in an efficient and productive workplace. Talk to us about our range of solutions designed to assist in achieving optimal acoustic control for your office.

Acoustic treatment installed on the wall of a meeting room or boardroom to enhance its sound quality and reduce noise levels, creating a more productive and effective environment for meetings, presentations, and other collaborative work activities.


Meeting room featuring ceiling-mounted acoustic panels for noise reduction.

Meeting rooms

Custom cut acoustic treatment with fabric facing installed on the wall of an open office space, designed to reduce noise levels and create a more comfortable and productive workspace for employees.

Open office

Acoustic panels in a private office

Private offices


High noise levels can slow healing or increase illness in hospitals and medical environments.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that patient room noise levels should be around 30 decibels, with a maximum noise level of no more than 40 decibels. Yet according to a recent study, the average sound level in a hospital is 48 decibels.

Medical facilities are inevitably subject to noise pollution from medical equipment, trolleys, vehicles, or staff and other patients. Research shows an increase in problems caused by excess noise, including high blood pressure and heart rate, staff errors, and a lack of speech privacy in professional rooms.

In a residential or hospital setting, excess noise causes lost sleep, impeding patients' ability to heal and increasing requests for medication.

By contrast, studies show that a pleasant sound environment significantly increases a medical facilities' overall quality of care. This brings benefits such as lower blood pressure, improved quality of sleep, a reduction in the intake of pain medication, better communication, lower stress levels, and increased patient safety and staff wellbeing.

Avenue Interior Systems offers a range of acoustic solutions that can achieve a comfortable and healthy acoustic environment in medical applications. We understand the value of a well-designed healthcare facility, and our high-performing and aesthetic products combine functionality, sustainability and decor.

An image of a waiting room in a medical center featuring large windows treated with acoustic materials. The acoustic treatment on the windows helps to reduce noise transmission, creating a more comfortable and peaceful environment for patients waiting for their appointments.

Waiting rooms

An elderly man holding the hand of a visitor in an aged care facility, showing affection and connection between generations.

Nursing homes

Brightly coloured custom acoustic treatment on the walls of the Endeavour Foundation, designed to absorb sound waves and reduce noise levels, creating a more comfortable and conducive environment for employees and clients.

Mental health
support services

Door seals added to patient doors in a medical facility for enhanced privacy and reduced noise levels.

Hospital wards

Acoustic treatment on walls of medical consulting rooms for improved patient comfort and privacy.

Consulting rooms


In recent years the number of complaints about restaurant noise has increased. In fact, noise is now the second most common complaint among restaurant-goers – second only to poor service!

It’s not just an opinion. Science proves that significant noise levels actually reduce a person's ability to detect sweet and salty foods – which means that some meals may not be enjoyable if the environment is too loud.

Restaurant owners like a certain level of noise in their restaurants to create an atmosphere and 'buzz'. Yet too much noise can become uncomfortable and frustrating – both for customers and staff.

White acoustic panels are installed on the ceiling of a coworking space. These panels are designed to absorb sound and improve the space's acoustics.

Hire venues

Noise control panels in a restaurant ceiling, reducing noise levels and improving acoustics for a comfortable dining experience.


White sound absorbing Calando Panel on a Tavern ceiling.

Hotels and bars

Fabric-wrapped acoustic panels installed in a cafe, designed to match the cafe's color scheme. The panels are strategically placed to absorb sound waves and reduce noise levels, creating a more pleasant and comfortable environment for patrons to enjoy their meals or beverages.



Ensuring optimal acoustics is imperative in most spaces, but perhaps nowhere is it more important than in a teaching environment such as a classroom, music room, multi-purpose hall or staffroom.

Good acoustics are crucial at an early learning and primary level, because young students cannot automatically complete sentences without directly hearing words. If their educator’s instructions are overshadowed by other noise, a young student may misinterpret an important lesson or directive.

At high school, university or TAFE level education institutions, poor acoustics can be very detrimental to a student’s learning. A noisy room can make understanding complex concepts difficult, and can limit collaboration with peers. Students who are constantly straining to learn against too much noise will become fatigued and can suffer from illnesses.

Students are not the only ones impacted by poor acoustics. Teachers also struggle in a noisy classroom. Studies show teachers use their voices for about 60% of their workdays, which is why raising their voice to be heard in a loud classroom can strain a teacher's voice, leading to illness, stress, and fatigue.

Calando One acoustic panel installed on the wall of a school art room, displaying student artwork and improving the acoustic quality of the space, creating a more inspiring and comfortable learning environment for students and teachers.


An image of a spacious multi-purpose hall designed for a school, with acoustically treated ceilings and walls.

Multi-Purpose Hall

Acoustic treatment installed in a music classroom, featuring guitars in the foreground of the image. The acoustic panels and diffusers are strategically placed to improve the sound quality and reduce echo in the room, creating a better learning and musical experience for students.

Music Room

Brightly colored acoustic treatment installed on the walls of a school staffroom, complemented by white acoustic treatment on the ceiling. The acoustic panels and diffusers are strategically placed to reduce noise levels and echo, creating a more restful and peaceful environment for staff to relax and recharge during their breaks.


White acoustic panels on a concrete ceiling at a QLD childcare centre.
