
Meeting the challenge of noise in school staffrooms

Research reveals that high noise levels for at least a quarter of the working day mean that teachers are tired and less motivated.

Studies have revealed that teachers who work in schools with poor acoustics are much more likely to be dissatisfied and lack energy. Concerningly, the desire to change jobs is six times stronger for teachers in classrooms with a long reverberation time, compared to their colleagues in other schools with acoustically sound classrooms.

It’s easy to see why teachers benefit from a place where they can retreat, share their thoughts, hold meetings, and come away feeling refreshed. Taking a break in a relaxing environment is necessary for teachers’ success and happiness, as well as their students’ education.

However, just like classrooms, many staffrooms are not acoustically sound. Teachers go to the staffroom for a reprieve, only to be greeted by the same issues they left behind in the classroom – only this time they have adult voices, clattering chairs, and cutlery noise to speak over.

Avenue Interior Systems' range of products will improve noise in staffrooms, to provide teachers with the rest they deserve.

The solution to poor staffroom acoustics

Like in a classroom, the best way to improve the acoustics in a staffroom is to use absorbent acoustic products. Some products we may recommend include:
