Reducing the impact of noise on workplaces and schools
The 1905 Nobel prize-winning bacteriologist Robert Koch famously predicted that “one day man will have to fight noise as fiercely as cholera and the plague”. Recent studies would indicate that his prediction is now very close to coming true!

Noise, defined as ‘unwanted sound’, has gradually become increasingly acknowledged as an environmental stressor. Research has consistently shown the health impacts of noise, and its worrying tendency to damage physiological and psychological health, cause hypertension and increase stress levels and anxiety.
The serious health impacts of noise pollution
Numerous studies have shown that noise contributes to many serious health conditions, including sleep disturbance, high blood pressure, heart disease or failure, metabolic syndrome, and stroke.
In terms of mental health, constant noise can make a person anxious and trigger panic attacks and depression. For example, people living with high traffic noise levels are 25% more likely than those living in quieter areas to develop depression.
It’s perhaps little wonder then that almost half of the total population (45.5%) will experience a mental disorder at some point in their lifetime. Look around your workplace – approximately half of the people you work with will suffer some mental episode or are currently suffering from a mental illness.
Perhaps even more concerning, this statistic does not relate solely to adults. More and more children are suffering from mental health concerns, which is one reason why Avenue Interior Systems have taken a special interest in how noise impacts children.
How noise annoyance affects children and adults
Noise annoyance can result in interference with daily activities, feelings, thoughts, sleep, or rest. Negative emotional responses such as irritability, distress, exhaustion, a wish to escape the noise, and other stress-related symptoms may accompany noise annoyance.
Unfortunately, extensive research on noise and mental health is limited. However, the evidence we’ve listed above suggests a strong link between mental health and noise, where noise triggers a mental episode.
Find out more about avoiding health problems from noise
To reduce the impact of noise in your workplace or school, install commercial noise control solutions such as wall and ceiling soundproofing panels. ECO Wall or Calando Panel are absorptive products that will create a relaxing environment for all people using the space.
Avenue Interior Systems has a range of solutions to help reduce the impact of noise.