How to reduce office noise

Tips and strategies for a productive and comfortable workspace

Office workers spend a lot of time in their workplace. That’s why it’s important to ensure a productive, healthy, and comfortable environment. And one factor that can affect office workers’ safety and productivity is the noise level.

Too much noise can be distracting, uncomfortable, and even harmful to employees’ health. In this article, we’ll talk about the recommended noise levels for open plan offices, the significance of noise control in the workplace, and look at how to reduce noise levels.

What are the suggested noise levels for offices?

The Australian Acoustical Society (AAS) suggests that open office noise levels must not exceed 45 dBA (A-weighted decibels) for individual workstations and 50 dBA for collaborative areas. Keeping noise levels within these limits enhances comfort and productivity in the workplace. To check the noise level in your office, you can use a sound level meter, a device that measures sound intensity in decibels (dB).

If your office’s noise levels exceed the recommended levels and are annoying your staff, some changes to your office design and layout may be necessary to improve acoustics and reduce noise. According to the AAS, open plan office designs should take sound absorption, sound masking, and workstation layout into account to minimise noise and enhance speech privacy. What’s more, the AAS advises employers to offer employees training and education on noise management strategies, such as using noise-cancelling headphones or creating quiet zones in the office.

The effects of too much noise in offices

It is incredibly important to control noise levels in the workplace. High levels of noise can be a significant distraction and disrupt concentration, leading to decreased productivity and more mistakes. Additionally, prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to health problems such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and stress-related illnesses.

In open plan offices, conversations can be overheard, which can lead to a breach of confidentiality and privacy. Excess noise can also cause discomfort and lead to annoyance, fatigue, and headaches. Noise can also interfere with effective communication, making it difficult to hear and understand conversations or instructions. A noisy office can negatively affect employee morale and job satisfaction, leading to increased absenteeism and turnover.

Talk to Avenue about soundproofing solutions for offices

Maintaining a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in an office can result in improved employee productivity, better communication, and an overall sense of comfort and satisfaction. This in turn can lead to higher job satisfaction and better health outcomes. To achieve this, the AAS suggests implementing noise control solutions such as sound absorption and sound masking systems in open offices.

As an office manager or worker, it’s important to be mindful of the noise levels in your workplace and take measures to minimise excessive noise. This can result in a more efficient, healthy, and pleasant work environment that enhances job contentment and overall wellbeing.

For more information on any noise control products, get in touch with the Avenue team on 1300 827 177.