Does office soundproofing really work?

Avenue’s office move shows what a difference acoustic treatment makes

In late 2022 Avenue Interior Systems packed up and moved to our new office and manufacturing facility. Little did we realise that it would reveal just how effective our office soundproofing had been!

As part of the move, we had to remove our old office’s acoustic treatment. Down came the ECO Wall tiles from the walls, out went the ECO Desk dividers, and the ECO Phone Booth and ECO Flex dividers were disassembled. And because we managed all this in one day, it was very clear how NOISY the office was afterwards. It impacted both the amount and the quality of work we could complete.

Poor acoustics make for a noisy work environment

Obviously we know our products work – that’s why we are such strong advocates for them. But the change in our office was much greater than even we expected.

Team members had to keep reminding each other to lower our voices; we even had to walk away from our desks to speak on the phone. Even keyboards sounded several dB louder as people were typing away.

Even our kitchen got louder. Previously, our ECO Phone Booth had blocked conversations from filtering to the office from the kitchen, and vice versa. Without this barrier, we found that having a peaceful and private lunch was much more difficult.

Without our Avenue products in place, it wasn’t just that noise increased – there was a decrease in privacy too. With the dividers gone, even without meaning to, team members can look to their left or right and see what their colleagues are working on. And because we all have very different roles, some people work on highly sensitive documents which should not be widely seen.

All of this served as an excellent reminder of just how effective our Avenue products had been in creating a more comfortable, useable workplace.

Talk to Avenue about soundproofing solutions for your office

One positive that has come from working in this newly noisy environment is that we’re now even more aware of the value and effectiveness of our products. We are in no doubt that they work and provide excellent benefits when installed!

It’s no surprise that we have kept acoustics at the forefront of the design of our new offices and manufacturing facility. To add an architectural dimension to the space, we have chosen to use products from our custom range in the new office. And yes, conversations are much quieter and more private thanks to our Avenue acoustic treatment!

If you’d like to know more about our acoustic products, please get in touch with the Avenue team on 1300 827 177.

We would love to share our experience with you.